Friday 1 December 2017

5 Tell-Tale Signs You Need Timber Laminate Flooring

When redesigning a home, there is one thing that binds all the elements together – the flooring. You will face many options when it comes to flooring, but you need to choose one that best suits your individualistic requirements. Timber laminate flooring is a popular choice for those who are looking for a budget-friendly yet a fashionable option.

But how do you know that this flooring is perfect for your home? On close observation of your flooring, you will find certain tell-tale signs that you need to switch to timber laminate flooring and they are as follows.

You find yourself apologising for your floor constantly:

There is nothing worse than feeling embarrassed about your home. A research showed that a home's design impacted the owner's overall happiness. When you get a same day laminate flooring installation, you can have them installed in the morning and proudly host a dinner party the same night.

You want the look and feel of timber without burning a hole in your pocket:

Laminate timber flooring is specifically designed to look and feel like timber. These floors come pre-finished and they are ready to walk on without the additional cost of sanding and polishing, saving you a whole lot of time and money.

You love the natural look:

Timber laminate flooring is made to look exactly like real timber, each board contains all of the unique knots, texture, variation, grains, and patterns that natural timber consists of. Your laminate floor will offer a distinctly unique and natural look that will impress people.

You want to invest in a quality product:

Laminate floors represent excellent value for money. They have been designed and crafted meticulously, they come with a coating that protects your laminate floors against daily wear, tear, dirt, scratches, and spills. Thus, if you want to invest in a flooring option that will provide you with a long and productive service life, laminate flooring is your best bet!

You are lazy:

If excessive vacuuming makes you want to run away, it is time you switched to something more stain proof. Once you have laminate flooring installed, you can bid goodbye to excessive vacuuming. Laminates are really easy to maintain, just a quick sweep and a weekly wipe down should be enough.

If you observe any of the above-mentioned signs, do not waste a minute, install timber laminate flooring right away!

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